Welcome to Version 13

We have celebrated times!

What has changed?

Below you will find a brief overview of changes

Payment Reconciliation has received a face lift. The new Payment Reconciliation displays all information on one screen so that you can see all details without scrolling.

In addition, the module will now attempt to apply the outstanding Payments in a FIFO (First in First Out) order, against the outstanding sales invoices in the system, if not otherwise allocated individually.

Introducing 'Timeless Night'!

We have adjusted the contrast between text and background, increased the size of headings and have placed important data into appropriate placements on the page, to avoid scrolling as much as possible.

V14 will bring a 'Tabbed View' similar to these tabs you are reading now.

Introducing Dashboards! Configure your own dashboards to display key information that is important to you. E.g. Revenue tracking to budget, Online order processing, Orders processed per day etc.

Contact Mitch and Stan to suggest a Dashboard that you would like to see :)

Now that the ERPNext Bank Reconciliation has caught up to our custom Banking Reconciliation, we will be reverting back. Take a look below:

ERPNext now has 'Customer Statements'. We will soon be abandoning our custom DocType of 'Customer Statements' and moving to the new 'Statement of Account' DocType

Ever wanted a little bit more space? Get rid of that sidebar!

One of the main reasons for moving to V13 is an immutable ledger. Any transactions that touch the ledger, will now no longer be deletable. Instead, to edit these transactions, a reversing entry will need to be raised.

In the case of Stock Transactions, backdating prior to an existing transaction, will now no longer be permitted

Reports will now take up 95% of the screen and scrollbars wont be annoying!

We made a new home for the 'Filter' function

Got a recurring type of Journal Entry? Enter it quicker with a Journal Entry Template

Dunning is a document to store and send as a persistent demand for debt payment against an unpaid Sales Invoice.

We can setup different Dunning Types (E.g. 'Overdue 30 days', 'Overdue 60 Days') and associate 'Administrative Collection Fees' associated with overdue debts (If required).

Further, we are able to setup specific 'Letters' by Dunning Type to send to our customers.

Once a Dunning has been settled, the Dunning can be 'Resolved', but it will remain on the Customer's account as a 'Resolved Dunning' which can be references for future credit review purposes.